Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where to begin: The Cornea

In thinking of a name for this chalkboard of thoughts, I found the metaphor of an eye irresistibly appropriate. The term "transocular" stems from the Latin trans oculo, meaning "across the eye".  Some may think of this phrase referring to a path similar to that of a flat stone skipping its way across a placid body of water, creating radiating, yet ephemeral, circles across the surface. I, however, think of the term "transocular" in somewhat of a perpendicular manner to the pond example.

The eye is a gate, or threshold, allowing the stimuli of the outside world to access our minds. What passes through this threshold is literally going "across the eye". This applies to every being that sees with its eyes. In addition to those beings that are homeostatic, respond to stimuli, have the capacity to reproduce, grow and develop, there are inanimate objects that have the same ocular threshold to cross.

Which brings us to today's topic: The cornea
At a thickness of five layers in half a millimeter total, the cornea is the outermost part of the eye and is responsible for 2/3 of the eye's focusing power. It is just the beginning of the structure, yet without it, vision would not be functional. A camera's lens would likewise be significantly less effective with any damage to the outer glass. Unfortunately, many a photographer has experienced such hard times.

A smudge on a lens....a bad day at the office: These things leave a mark on the moments for the present and near future, but can be handled. They can be cleaned. My hope for each of the readers and photographers out there is that this is the only damage that may befall you.

Safe travels to each of you.
Writer's Note: This was supposed to be an introduction to a photography blog. My hope is that you made it through the above one-sided discussion. Obviously, this is but a start. What was intended as a photo blog may very well become just as philosophical as photographic. I encourage public response. In an attempt to at least bring some actual photograph to the table, I give you this: light passing through a gate.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what this is about yet. But I like the picture. And I like you. So I'll be back.
